Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Week From HELL

I guess I should write something.....but I don't know what to say......or how much to say..........of course that never stopped me before......So here goes...............
It's been a "#!^*!" Week From HELL...
Let me sit here and listen to Barry Manilow awhile....
OK, I'm back, where do I begin?
In 2 hours it will be exactly 7 days since our world was shattered. A lot has happened in those 7 days. A lot of prayer, a lot of tears, a lot of explaining to little children, a lot of unpacking, a lot of emails, and a lot of phone calls. But always praising GOD throughout this nightmare, and knowing HE had a plan and we would accept whatever HE chose. Well, it didn't take long ( feels like an eternity) for GOD to set the wheels in motion. And Thank-You GOD, because your plan is perfect, as always!!
Yesterday, Vu Thi Men went home to live with her mother. She will also be with her older sister. Men will be a happy little girl. Mike and I will sponsor her for school and her medical needs. She is HEP B +.
As for us, well, until Men came into our lives, we thought our family was complete. By now, with 5 children adopted in 3 years, we should have known better, right? GOD finds a way to place children where HE wants them. I guess GOD used Men to get our paperwork to Vietnam. Because our referral was received before the shut down on Sept. 1 and ended with a NOID, we are permitted to receive a new referral for a healthy child. Who would have thought we would be waiting for a referral after all this? She must be a pretty special little girl, and we can't wait to see who GOD has picked out for us.
Mike and I are in awe of how this has all worked out.. 2 little girls will have a home now instead of only one. Men is with her mommy who loves her so much, she will have an education and medical treatment, and grow up to be anything she wants to be. And a little girl, who right now is thinking she will never have a family of her own, is in for a BIG surprise!


  1. WOW ~ I didn't know you were still eligible for another referral! That is news to many! HAPPY NEWS!!!

  2. Wow Sandy. I guess there is always a silver lining, even if we don't see it right away.
    Congratulations on the good news!

  3. I love how you are looking at this. The fact that two little girls will now have families is SO much better than just one! I have continued to pray for your healing...


  4. That is just wonderful news, Sandy!! One door closes and another opens. How absolutely wonderful!!
