Monday, October 27, 2008

4 days before HALLOWEEN

And we're only now decorating the outside of the house. Mike finally got home on time for once. So, tonight was the night! The box of Halloween lights came out of the garage, and with lots of grumbling and sighs, Mike just LOVES putting lights up, they were stapled to the house! The lighted ghosts and scarecrows are out, and the trees are twinkling with purple lights. All looks scary at the Poko Pack's house! Austin went screaming to his room when he saw the purple lights, where he stayed crying for a good 30 minutes, no amount of coaxing could get him out of there, until he figured out they were really pretty KOOL. Then we couldn't keep him away from them. It was a funny site. Mike on the ladder and the kids all lined up in the driveway on those fold-up chairs watching him like he was a spectator sport. I should have taken a picture! DARN! That would have been a good one! There they were, eating hot wings and passing a bottle of water wonder they're all sick!
Tomorrow after work is PUMPKIN CARVING NIGHT! I'll be sure to take pics for that!