Thursday, October 30, 2008

Does anyone else do this?

Today I'm sending our addendum to the state dept. for certification. I checked that envelope 3 times, taking everything out and looking it over. Is anyone else as crazy as I am? Even now, as it's sitting at the front door, all sealed and ready to go, I'm questioning myself. Did I write the check properly? Did I put my correct address on the return envelope? I am going crazy! I need to just put it in the box and forget it.


  1. Yup. I did that too. Of course, during our paperchase, my boss was one of my closest friends. I had her checking everything right alongside me.

  2. I did the same thing -even taking it out of the envelope at the post office a few times. I did sometimes find mistakes at the last minute. I thought I had OCD maybe it's just Adoption Obsesive Compulsive Disorder (AOCD)LOL. Ann

  3. Ann,
    GOOD ONE! AOCD! Of course, now you have me worried since you said you found a mistake during one of your checks!
