Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Movin' On

Ahhh...A little Retail Therapy "Does a Body Good"!
Paisley and I left the house today as soon as Amy's bus was out of sight. I needed to get away from this computer and it's bad news, and out of this house! 85 and sunshine, what a nice day. I thank God everyday for planting us here in South Florida. Did I say a LITTLE Retail therapy? Make that BIG damage...2 hours at Super Target can do that to a girl. But you know what? I've been pinching pennies for so long, trying to get travel money together (that I won't need now for a LONG time, like NEXT year), I needed this. I don't even feel guilty!! And what did I buy? NOTHING! No, really, I bought nothing. I was supposed to get the SLEEPING BEAUTY DVD, which Amy calls NIGHT-NIGHT BEAUTY, but didn't want to spend the $20. ha ha ! Well, I have "stuff" but I couldn't tell you what I bought for all that $$$$. I have no idea where all the $$ went. I bought APPLES. I know they're a small fortune, but that didn't make my total that much! All I know is, I spent a lot of money on a bunch a junk. So, Mike, if your reading this post from work, be forewarned, the bed is covered in bags of "stuff". And MaryLou, DON'T tell him, it's our little secret...until tonight :)
OH! We had a first today too! I took Paisley to Mickey D's. Her first time INSIDE. She wasn't impressed. NO, I didn't let her in the dirty playroom. She looked at the apples and nuggets, dipped a corner of apple in the caramel, took one bite, chewed it a LONG time, and then spit it out in my hand, took one sip of chocolate milk, ate the lettuce from my salad, the pieces without the spicy dressing, and layed all over the bench. A big waste of time and $$$. Look who's complaining about wasting $$$ ha ha ha!
I gotta go clean up a little before dinner. When Mike gets home I think I'll take Amy for some new shoes. OI! More $$$. Then be home and have everyone in bed so we can watch the DEBATE!!! The first was so boring I fell asleep. The Palin debate wasn't much better and I slept through most of that too, however I've caught the entire thing on reruns! Let's hope McCain WAKES UP & SMELLS THE COFFEE tonight. GEESH, I could be more aggressive than he's been and I'm just a SOCCER MOM!!! Does he realize he's fighting to be the PRESIDENT?????????? ROMNEY & PALIN now THAT would be a great ticket!!


  1. I think Target stores have money-sucking machines built into them somewhere! I do the same thing EVERY time I go there . . . spend TONS of money, but for the life of me, can't figure out what I bought! Glad to see you're getting some "therapy"!

  2. Sandy,

    Good to have you back. I know you needed the time to re-group. Retail therapy...ahhhh my favorite type. Target and I are close friends. Go there, spend money, and get Starbucks also, what else is as comforting.

    Susan and Kate
    Riverview, FL

  3. I stay away from stores as much as possible, but I am just as bad with online shopping!
    And I think it's wonderful that your little one did not like McD's! Mine is addicted to their fries and will eat nothing else so we avoid them as much as possible.
    Welcome back!

  4. Erin gets a chicken nugget happy meal every so often. She never eats the whole thing. She is such a bad eater that we're happy she'll eat that! I'd love a kid who eats veggies. Where do I sign up?
