Sunday, October 26, 2008


I didn't realize it's been so long since my last post. I've got some catchin' up to do.

My birthday was SUPER! My sister Pat took me out to lunch at Mariachi's It was fabulous! Margaritas in the afternoon mm~mm~good!

Friday was no school, and the dentist. NO CAVITIES for the 3 kids that went!! That was reason to celebrate. We had Chinese for lunch ( they're right next door to the dentist's office).

Friday at midnight, Amy came down with a temp of 104.7. YIKES! Even this old nurse was a little nervous! I kept thinking, OK, the ER is 2 minutes from the house. But, I got it down to a manageable 103.5 after working on her for an hour. In the morning it was gone, only to come back later in the afternoon....and again tonight. Looks like a trip to see our MD is in order for tomorrow.

Ryan looks fantastic, his nose is healing nicely, and he will be back in school tomorrow morning. He's been out 2 weeks now. I told him he was going to school tomorrow and he said " What? AGAIN??" I guess he though he was finished with school for the year :) Oh to be 5.

And OH the make-up work we had to do..............You should NEVER leave it till the last weekend.

No news on our new referral. We were hoping to hear something last week but didn't so it was a LONG weekend. Now we're hoping for news this week. Isn't that the way it's always been? Wait all week for news, hear nothing, then suffer through the weekend and get excited that you may hear something the next Monday-Friday? OH, It's a vicious cycle. I'm not complaining, really I'm not. There are so many heartbroken families that are having their dossiers returned to them this week. I am very blessed to be getting this child..whoever she/he may be.

Speaking of adoption...Is there anyone out there wanting to adopt a baby/babies or child/children from Ethiopia? If so, I know an agency that seems pretty good from what my friends tell me, and they have baby boys right now waiting for their forever families!! Lots of baby boys and not enough families! WOW how lucky some parents will be!! Of course they have girls too, but right now there are baby boys waiting. Email me privately please.

It's 9:30 AM in Vietnam, gotta go check and see if I got any emails from my agency!

Talk to ya later....


  1. Glad to see you back in BlogLand Sandy!

    Does Amy usually run such high fevers? I can imagine how concerned you must have been. Erin goes from okay to really high in a matter of minutes. David & I call her our little hotbox.

    I hope that she's feeling better now. Hopefully none of your other children will come down ill.

  2. Tammie,
    Amy has never been sick in the 3 years she's been home. If she still has a fever tomorrow, it will be her first visit to the MD for an illness.

  3. Hope Amy is feeling better. And glad you had a good birthday! Please let us know if you hear anything from your agency!
