Friday, May 9, 2008

Mother's Day Tea

I'm leaving in a few minutes to meet Ryan in his Pre-K classroom. They are hosting a Mother's Day Tea for all the moms. NO siblings! Mike is taking a long lunch to babysit the "little darlings".
It's been no small feat getting ready to go. Paisley is laying in the hall screaming, Austin is carrying around the mac and chees box, and Amy, well, if you know Amy, you know she is up to something.
I thought I would take a quick shower this AM. Apparently NOT quick enough! Darling little Amy decided to search and FIND the permanent markers. You know the ones, the Sharpies we all bought before we had little ones in our homes. Ya, those! So, I'm in the shower, Miss P is knocking on the door "OPEN THE DOOR...OPEN THE DOOR" She's 18 months and talks almost as well as Amy. So, here I come, out of the shower and what do I see? A BLACK & GREEN baby! Nice work Amy. Amy is hiding in her room. Paisley left her artwork ALL OVER MY BATHROOM, and herself. At least there's KILLS primer in the garage. It hides everything!!
Gotta run...


  1. It only takes a second....learned that real quick with Kerri, now I never leave her out of my sight! By the way, Magic Erasers are awesome at cleaning most things up.

  2. Oh my. Thank G-d for the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. If it weren't old baldie, I'd have gone nuts when Erin decided my kitchen walls & cabinets needed to be red.
