Friday, February 5, 2010


Or GREEN with envy.
My good friend Lisa, from Indiana, is going to visit MICKEY in a few weeks. We wanted to meet her family there but we can't go! Our passes have expired and it seems our finances have been rerouted to another upcoming event. Nothing I would change for the world, but I still would like to visit Lisa when she's at DISNEY. We're going to miss seeing her and the kids for the second year. Maybe we'll drive up and visit with her one evening if she is free. What's a 6 hour drive for a friend right?? OK, let's see, where can I find several thousand dollars in a month??? Ummmm---NO WHERE!
It's all in the timing...We'll be back to visit MICKEY in the summer. I can't wait to get our passes renewed and get back ontrack to do DISNEY at all the major holidays again. Christmas in Disney, sounds like a plan this year.


  1. YOu could do a rush and do a give a day get a day. We just did that with six of our kids so we all have one day one park tickets. We will often go over and just hang out at downtown Disney. The kids love Lego lands and playing with the toys in the stores and, when it's warm enough, playing in the water areas. :o)*

  2. I will look forward to the summer months and being able to finally meet you in person.

    That is a really good idea also about the give a day, get a day promotion. I don't know where to look up the charities that fall under this, but there must be something you all could do.

    Susan and Kate
    Riverview FL
