Friday, April 25, 2008


Meg and I were shopping at Walmart tonight. We needed a few groceries and she wanted to get some stuff for the pool. I ended up getting Ryan and the "A" Team those swimsuits that have the life jacket approved by the Coast Guard in them. I'm not taking any chances with them after last Sunday's episode. Meg was in the pool today and Mr. Monkey, Austin, was shimmying up the pool fence! So, as we're walking to the car with our goodies Meg asks "Did daddy get paid today"? I started laughing and said "yes he did". Then she asks, "Does daddy make a Million dollars a week"? "No" I said, " if he did, I wouldn't be shopping at Walmart". ( I REALLY didn't buy that much stuff) "Were would you shop"? "I don't know, but I wouldn't be cooking or cleaning either, and we'd live in a bigger house" "Well, what job pays $1,000,000 a week? Because that's what I'll go to college to be".
I don't think there is one.


  1. Sign me up for that job too!! Then I would be able to convince my hubby that we should add at least a couple more kiddos to the family!!

    Hugs from Kansas!
    Christie & crew

  2. Wow! Meg sure has some high aspirations! I like how your girl thinks!

  3. How funny!!!! Tell Meg The CEO of Blue Cross Blue shield ( who just raised my premiums again and won't pay for any claims) Made almost double that last year so she should be an insurance company CEO!!!!! Too funny and I hope she makes it!!!!!
    PS We have fingerprint appointments in 2 weeks

  4. Well with inflation, the price of gas and worries of a food crisis, we may just need a million dollars soon. Let me know if you figure out what job pays that, I will go back to school!
