Thursday, November 13, 2008


We've been waiting a month now for a new referral from Vietnam. Yes, it's been a long 4 weeks with lots of ups and downs, but our spirits are high. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Eve are all coming up. In 2006 Mike and I were in Vietnam adopting Paisley & Austin during those Holidays. This year we will definitely be home. In 2005 we were in China adopting Megan during the Chinese New Year's Celebrations. Maybe this coming year, 2009, I will be celebrating TET in Vietnam with a new daughter or son? Wouldn't that be wonderful???


  1. Oh Sandy, I hope everything works out and you get news soon about a new son or daughter waiting to be held by her momma and daddy.

    Susan and Kate

  2. Time does fly, and hopefully next year will be better for all of us. Huge hugs.

  3. I didn't realize it was already 4 weeks now. Time flies in some ways and in others it stands still...
    Wendy turned 5, Holly turned 21, and we will be on our 29th month of waiting for Mylie on the 19th! See what I mean...? Some fast some slow...
