Thursday, July 3, 2008


Tomorrow's the 4th of July! Summer's half over and it's barely started. Summer merchandise is on CLEARANCE, 50% off! School uniforms are being displayed, and school supplies are quickly being put on the shelves. GOODNESS, I hope I don't see HALLOWEEN stuff being put out or I'll CROAK! I'll bet WALMART will have Halloween stuff in August. I'll let you know as soon as I see it! OH NO! Meg just gave me the update... 47 days till school starts! Wait, that may not be a bad thing, Paisley will be the only child home this year!! EVERYONE else will be IN SCHOOL!!!


  1. You're not going to know what to do with yourself with just Paisly home. You may have to adopt another baby. LOL Enjoy your free/quiet time.

  2. WOW! Everyone else will be in school? Even Amy and Austin?

  3. Yes Angel,
    The A Team is going to pre-school. Amy is only half day but Austin goes the full day.

  4. Please stop talking about the end of summer!! I'm already putting together my lessons for the upcoming school year. Ugh!

    Personally, I'm not looking forward to shopping for school supplies. Do you know where I can get school uniform pants in a 3T waist with a 5T/6T length? Fitting Erin for school is going to be a treat. Not.

  5. Tammie,
    I have the same problem with Ryan. He's in size 18 month shorts but needs size 4 in length for pants. The size 4 uniform shirts fit him like a DRESS! He starts kindergarten in the fall, along with Hannah, who is even smaller.

  6. our hallmark in Palm Desert has the 2008 CHRISTMAS ornaments out already!! I was at the mall mom said, what about Halloween! We went to Homegoods and they had Halloween out!!!

