Sunday, June 8, 2008

Let's get This PARTY Started!!


Schools OUT! Summer's HERE! Let's get MOOVIN'!

It's time to buckle down and get to work!! The kids are ready for a summer of fun in the sun. The pool is calling them. Well, all except Meg who is counting down the days till school starts again. She's already emailed her teacher twice. I bought her a big LADYBUG scrapbook Friday night. She already has it filled and decorated!! I should teach her how to do crafts. Hey, good idea! She can help me with my "STUFF".

Oh ya, My "STUFF" That's my pet name for my Fundraising Items for our adoption. UGH, I'm NOT a fundraiser...I like to CHARGE things...But this adoption came out of nowhere and it's a CASH deal. ( sorta used the CC for 5 other adoptions) OH NO...3 months for that kind of $$$? WHAT was I thinking? Obviously, I wasn't. Mike will tell you that...He tells ME that every chance he gets :( Well, I've done pretty well so far. All I need now is travel $$$...So, out comes the "STUFF".

Now, I've been a crafter for years and years..but for fun. Oh, those were the days. I actually had a room for my crafting..lets see, there are 2 little girls sleeping in that room now... Anyhow, I used to sell my things at craft shows, and did pretty well too. Then I stopped and Mike threw everything out! YEP, all my leftover things, in the trash...seems 2 boxes in the attic were "bothering" him. MEN!

So, I need to get started. Ya, I said that a month ago. Everything is still sitting in boxes. But we could travel as early as 6 weeks from now so I NEED TO START...

I'm hoping to at least get things out of the box tonight and start tomorrow. Monday is always a good day to start isn't it? Maybe I'll start a diet too! HA! HA! I would REALLY be miserable wouldn't I? Hungry, trying to make my "STUFF", 5 kids running around fighting and crying and whining about going into the "BIG" pool. Oh YA, I can already envision my day tomorrow. Hmmm, Do I have another CC somewhere?

OK, Tonight's the night. By hook or by crook, I'm getting my "STUFF" out.

Oh, What's my "STUFF" you ask? It's only the CUTEST sandals, hairbows, and beaded sox! Wait till you see them!!!

The sandals are SWEET! I'll post the pics here when I get a few done :) You're gonna LOVE them!!!

I'm tired already..............................


  1. Can't wait to see your "stuff." Looking forward to it!

    Kristy from "the group"

  2. Looking forward to seeing how crafty you are. I don't know how you make the time with all those kids running around.

  3. I can't wait to see "your stuff" as you put it. You should probably consider setting up an Etsy site like Jolene.

  4. So how is the "stuff" coming along?

  5. Angel.........
    the "STUFF" is still in my room :(
    I am SO BAD! Mike will never get to go to Vietnam with me if I don't get movin' Heck, I won't get to go!!
    Tomorrow IS another day!

  6. Looking forward to seeing your "stuff"!!

  7. So when are we going to see your "stuff". Ana Claire loves sandals.
