Monday, June 16, 2008

Another Monday Morning

Good morning Friends. Another week stares us in the face. What surprises are in store for us ? I pray it's all good news!
Thanks everyone for leaving comments. I love them! Mike says Thank-you for the Father's Day wishes. He had a "GREAT" day..poor guy, I had a big "honeydew" list for him. WELL....he never gets a day off and things have piled up around here. Things I Can't know, like changing the light bulbs in the outside fixtures, hanging big pictures, moving china cabinets. So, he was working yesterday. The girls all called and Michelle came over with her family and we had dessert together. Key Lime Pie and a Chocolate Football Cake.

Now for my "STUFF". It has made it's way to the dining room, which is now my craft room since there are lots of little bodies in lots of little beds in the rooms that used to be my craft room, office, and exercise rooms. SO..... I'm crafting today!!!

Have you seen the price of food? I think we will start eating MONEY, IT'S CHEAPER!!!
I bought EDY's Ice Cream yesterday, it was on sale..3 for $10. Now I know why...they are the tiniest containers I have ever seen. Food is shrinking gals! I remember when you bought ice cream in half gal. containers and that was standard. I better start paying attention!
Have a GREAT week!!!

1 comment:

  1. It is even more expensive here. If I had the room I would have a vegetable garden. And maybe a dairy cow.
