Wednesday, February 25, 2009


It's been a while since I've mentioned our Vietnam adoption. Today I feel like posting an update. As you can see by the new ticker, it isn't a particularly happy update. I know GOD has a plan, our family is absolutely proof of that. Look at us! 6 new children in 4 years, after raising 5 daughters! WHO would have ever thought? RIGHT? And I always say, " sit back and watch GOD'S plans unfold for you, it's amazing to live through", but it's still so hard to see and feel your dream slowly die. We were SO close to bringing home our last child. When we lost Vu Thi Men, we received a new referral, but that little girl's paperwork came the same day the Gov. of Vietnam decided to stop second referrals for families like mine, who's birth moms reclaimed their children. We have been waiting for Vietnam to reconsider their stand on this, but so far they have not. Our paperwork is still in Vietnam and still up to date, but our agency is closing it's doors on April 13th. Without them, we are finished. We need our agency. They have already stayed open an additional 3 months hoping to complete our adoption. We are praying the Vietnam Gov. officials in charge of adoptions will find it in their hearts to allow the few families in the same position as we are, to complete their adoptions soon. As I am writing this post, I am being reminded GOD HAS A PLAN, LET HIM DO HIS WORK. I'm trying, I really am trying.


  1. Oh Sandy, my prayers are coming your way. Please continue to update us.

  2. Sandy - So sorry to hear this bit of news. Is it possible to switch agencies and have the money moved to the new one?

  3. Sandy - So sorry to hear this bit of news. Is it possible to switch agencies and have the money moved to the new one?

  4. Hi Sandy,

    We lost our son from Vietnam due to his birth mom taking him back too. It has been almost 10 months now and we will never get over it. Thank god we were able to adopt from China again. We are hoping to leave in the beginning of April and we had 2 agencies close on us in 5 months. It's been the hardest road to travel but we are holding on by a (red) thread and I hope you can too.

    Good Luck to you. I know what you are feeling and all I can say is "hang on" and "pray"

    Sending lots of prayers to you and your family


  5. I am so sorry to hear this news. Yes, God does have a plan. It is very hard to wait for it though. Stay strong.


  6. You know how sorry I am about this - we are supposed to travel together! I am not giving up, we will see what God's plan is. Everything happens for a reason, even the bad stuff.


  7. Hi Sandy, We lost our Vietnam Dream in the fall of 2007. Then our miracle came along in May of 2008! We didn't think we'd do a domestic, but God had other ideas. :-)
    Thinking about you and everyone else waiting for their kids.

  8. Sandy, I am still hoping and praying.

  9. I am sorry for this news. What are your plans now?
