Monday, September 7, 2009

Well, #7 just woke up from his nap with a temp of 102.7, and I thought for sure Austin and I would cheat this old flu. What are the odds I escape this thing?
My little girls have had a relapse this afternoon and are both in my bed watching sponge bob ( because it's an old TV with no hookups for a DVD player so no Princess Movie for them) with little fevers, runny noses, and coughing. They look so cute, it's a 4 foot tall king size blue 4 poster bed, and these 2 little bodies propped up on pillows with a box of tissues and a shoe box holding their sippy cups of Gatorade between them. And they had such a fun day playing outside today, darn it! now we start all over I guess. Ryan had no fever all day...until now. Molly's voice sounds like a truck drivers' and she is still hacking away!
Meg is fine and wants to get out of the house and go to school! And since she is well, and Obama changed his speech, I'll let her go. I was debating whether to send her tomorrow or not because of all I heard about " THE SPEECH" but I read it a little while ago and it was pretty darn good. No political stuff in there, just the normal "work hard" type of stuff. I guess with all the uproar he changed it. Works for me!
Now....where am I going to sleep tonight?


  1. Man, you are really hit hard. So far, no flu here. Keeping our fingers crossed. Hope they all feel better soon.

    Susan and Kate

  2. Good gosh woman!! I can't believe how hard you guys have been hit with the flu! I hope everyone is feeling better soon.
