Sunday, September 13, 2009


Here are my little "Sickies" last week-end devouring homemade Chicken Soup.
Meg's best friend's parents are both MDs. The dad is Austin's ped. GI doc. They are the nicest family you would ever want to meet. N was supposed to come over for a play date with Meg last Sat. but everyone had the Flu, Temps 104. When N's mom heard that she immediately started making her homemade chicken soup and later in the afternoon N's dad delivered it. You would have thought this group had never seen food in weeks. They dragged themselves off the couches and beds and as you can see, the soup did the trick! They ate it ALL. And look at the smiles. Austin, who wasn't sick YET, couldn't get enough.

1 comment:

  1. I just love the family all sitting together eating the chicken soup.
