Thursday, September 10, 2009

Everyone is back in school. We have a few lingering coughs, nothing too bad, and no temps so everyone went to school today.
Amy starts her VPK tomorrow morning. I found a private daycare that had an opening and it's less than a half mile from home, right across from TARGET... now isn't that fascinating? How CONVENIENT. Like I need more excuses to run to TARGET. 9am-12 noon. Perfect! Paisley and I will drop her off at school and do our shopping, pick her up at noon and hopefully they will have lunch and take a nap before we pick up Ryan from school. Ya, in my dreams! No one naps anymore.
I took Amy in to her new school to look around today. She wasn't impressed. She hid behind me the entire time we were there. Paisley on the other hand went straight for the computer, then the doll, kitchen, and My Little Ponies. Then she picked herself out a chair at the little table with the other kids and had a cookie and juice. No wallflower this one, she just walks in like she owns the place!
I don't know what's going to happen when I leave Amy tomorrow. She LOVED her school last year, and she went on the bus. Never any tears, she was always smiling because she loved school so much.
Oh, The girls got the CUTEST shoes, leather KEDS that look like Saddle Shoes! Anyone remember Saddle Shoes? I loved them, our older girls always wore them to school. I bought them at Stride Rite. I remember when Tracy was 5, I couldn't find her new shoes for a LONG LONG time... ( she didn't like them) I finally found them.... at the bottom of the DIAPER PAIL.. Anyone remember Diaper Pails. EEWW, thank goodness they invented PAMPERS!

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