Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Daddy came home early today

He has an ortho appointment soon. He fell over some toys on the patio a few months ago and thought he broke his knee. Went to the ER and they said No, so he went home, hobbled around a few weeks and forgot about it. Didn't forget about the HUGE lump in his thigh though. He saw his primary the other day and mentioned it to him. HA! The primary said "You need surgery NOW!" Something about ligaments/tendons that snapped off the knee and are now curled up in a ball at the top of his thigh. Anyhow, today he sees the surgeon, but in the meantime, he took the 4 littles to TARGET, Austin is getting a Bionicle for being such a good boy, and Ryan is getting one too. He told the girls they could go along, but they got Ariel Mermaid dolls last week and weren't getting anything today, after all, the boys didn't complain when they didn't get anything, so don't ask.
Who thinks the girl will come home with something too?
OOPS, I spoke too soon, the girls came home happy and empty handed. MAybe they're growing up? na, I don't think so, Mike was just lucky today!


  1. Well we'll offer a prayer for the surgery to be easy, the recovery fast, and the pain nothing more serious than a couple tylenol can't handle!

    And as a dad - I had faith in Mike!! ;)

    hugs - aus and co.

  2. I'm sorry to hear this. I hope Mike will not be in so much pain and can recover fast.
