Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Well, that just popped into my head so let me get back to Mr. Poko's update.
Ryan is miserable! And staying another night. The good thing is the IV was discontinued just as I left tonight because he is finally drinking. Mike took him to the playroom and it was closing! Poor little guy can't catch a break. But they allowed him to bring a toy back to his bed.
I have to tell you, Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital is the greatest! They are so accommodating to parents, they have showers and massage chairs in the parent's lounge, free continental breakfast and lunch for parents served by volunteers, and are just the nicest staff. They are so well staffed in the PICU, at least 13 nurses per shift and an MD and PA on the floor at all times. The PICU staff MD examined Ryan today...and found he has a HEART MURMUR! To say I was shocked would be an understatement! HOW has that been missed for 4 years? I'll be calling a cardiologist Monday morning!
My big girls took care of the littles while Mike and I have been with Ryan for the last 2 days, and I can tell you my house was immaculate when I walked in the door tonight. I have great girls!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
by the way~~~~~
Are you all done with your shopping? Our tree just got decorated last night. I still need to finish that project :(
I haven't done my shopping yet either....
Like I said in my previous post, we are unbelievably busy. Now with all this rain, when will I ever get my shopping done? Goodness, we can't even find the Christmas Stockings!
Parties, Shopping, Baking, Groceries, Christmas Dinner to prepare...there is NO WAY I can get all this done in time. And no sleep. Why don't 3 year olds sleep anymore? Paisley is up all hours of the night.
A LIST! that's what I'm missing. I was always a list maker, I had a list for my lists. I think a nice cup of Tea is what I need right now and make some lists...then off to pick up Amy from VPK. That's another thing, I am ALWAYS running somewhere to cart someone someplace or pick them up. How can you accomplish anything when you never have more than 90 minutes at a time to do anything?
Now, where are those pens I bought for MYSELF and told the big girls not to touch?............
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Was Miss Amy's birthday, but we partied too hard and I didn't post in time :(
As you can see by her birthday photos, she LOVED her crown she got at school today. She had a party in her class this morning with cupcakes and juice. They were a big hit with the 5 yr old crowd.